• Question: who is better albert einstein or stephen hawking

    Asked by anon-198981 to Alex on 10 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Alexander Allen

      Alexander Allen answered on 10 Mar 2019:

      Two of the best scientists of the 20th Century! So let’s talk about them!

      Einstein made three massive changes to how we think about science. The first was the discovery of Brownian motion – we as humans live in a world where atoms and molecules are unthinkably small: a billion times smaller than us. Small particles that we can see, such as pollen or dust seem to move around in a random fashion and this is due to the fact that these little things are being bombarded by air molecules which redirect it’s path. We can see the effects of the air molecules without having to see them directly!

      He also discovered the Photoelectric Effect, the idea that when we shine a light on a surface, the energy of the light can knock subatomic particles out of atoms and make electricity flow. This led to our understanding of light changing … we started to think of little light particles!

      His most famous discovery was the idea of relativity. The principle shows that anyone who is moving can consider themselves as stationary and the universe is moving around them instead. It leads to some very interesting things: If you travel close to the speed of light, time passes more slowly for you. Also – the universe changes shape. The faster you go, your mass increases and events that should happen at the same time stop happening at the same time.

      What about Hawking? Well Hawking proposed a lot of evidence surrounding the modern theory of the Big Bang including the fact that there is still left over radiation!

      He also made such amazing realisations about black holes including how they might slowly evaporate. He was an outstanding physicist…

      The best… I have to give it to Einstein because he re-framed physics into the modern understanding we have today. Both are great but Einstein JUST wins 🙂
