• Question: What is your favourite type of fossil?

    Asked by anon-198915 to Natasha on 12 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Natasha Dowey

      Natasha Dowey answered on 12 Mar 2019:

      I have a couple of favourites. I am a big fan of fossil stromatolites- these are rocks that contain some of the earliest evidence of life on this planet. They were once living in shallow seas, mats of algae, the first life we know of. They photosynthesised, creating oxygen from sunlight, and made our atmosphere a better place for more life to develop!
      Me and some stromatolites in China:

      What they may have looked like 3 billion years ago!:

      I also love ammonites, partly because they just look awesome, but also because their appearance in certain rocks can tell us what the environment was. For example, if you have an ammonite you know you are looking that a rock that formed in the ocean, rather than a rock the formed from a sand dune or a river!
