• Question: Through years of education, What is one scientific subject you still struggle in/ don't understand?

    Asked by anon-198992 to Srinath, Natasha, Nana, Luisa, Gautam, Alex on 7 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Marialuisa Crosatti

      Marialuisa Crosatti answered on 7 Mar 2019:

      I always had problems with the part of physics that study electricity.

    • Photo: Srinath Kasturirangan

      Srinath Kasturirangan answered on 7 Mar 2019:

      I was great at math, chemistry and biology but physics was just too much theory and too abstract! I managed to get good grades, but never really got it! I would fall sick before every physics exam and psyche myself into a frenzy! All is well, I decided to become a biologist and I do not have to do any physics anymore!!!

    • Photo: Natasha Dowey

      Natasha Dowey answered on 7 Mar 2019:

      I still find physics tough. Geophysics is a cool aspect of geology- it’s kind of the maths of how planet Earth works (the equations that govern how earthquakes move through the ground for example, or how heat rises up from deep inside the Earth and transfers into the surface rocks)… like anything, if you’re absorbed in it every single day it’s not problem, but because I only deal with physics now and then I still always find it tricky!

    • Photo: Alexander Allen

      Alexander Allen answered on 11 Mar 2019:

      I personally didn’t struggle THAT much when it came to physics. In school it made quite a lot of sense to me. It all became very difficult when I started to study QUANTUM physics. At that point things become very unusual. Particles suddenly have probabilities of going through walls. You can consider the idea of electrons being in multiple places at once.

      I’ve got better but there are areas that I still don’t understand. Even quarks and electrons can be considered as fields!

      I’ve found that everyone finds an area that they struggle with. Sometimes this happens in GCSE, sometimes it happens in a PhD and it can happen at any point in between. These are always obstacles that you can make it over, though!
