• Question: I saw a documentary and I was wondering if we can really bring the woolly mammoth back to life?

    Asked by anon-198906 to Srinath, Natasha, Nana, Luisa, Gautam, Alex on 12 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Srinath Kasturirangan

      Srinath Kasturirangan answered on 12 Mar 2019: last edited 12 Mar 2019 10:51 pm

      Technically yes. Given the right conditions, DNA – the genetic code that dictates life can linger on in fossils and bones for hundreds of thousands of years. If we can extract this DNA and inject it into an embryo of a creature that is currently living that has a lot of the DNA in common with the woolly mammoth (my guess would be an elephant!), then it is possible to bring the woolly mammoth back to life. Same is true with the saber toothed tiger or the dodo!!
