• Question: How to reduce our reliance on plastics?

    Asked by anon-199008 to Srinath, Natasha, Nana, Luisa, Gautam, Alex on 7 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Marialuisa Crosatti

      Marialuisa Crosatti answered on 7 Mar 2019:

      Plastics have been demonized in the media but it has allowed many things to happen that would have being impossible before it (in lab-based research with disposable items and in surgery for sterile items to name a few). What we need to do is to find a better and more efficient way to dispose of it or re-purpose it. Recently, it has been discovered that a moth larvae (Galleria melonella) produces an enzyme that may degrade some types of plastic. This along side many other initiative will allow us to better manage plastic in the future. For now, we need to avoid that plastic things end up in canals, rivers and then the sea by disposing it properly.

    • Photo: Natasha Dowey

      Natasha Dowey answered on 7 Mar 2019:

      I think about this a lot, because I work in the oil and gas industry, and oil is used to create plastic. Its important to remember that some types of plastic are really important- for example, plastics are used in hospitals for all kinds of equipment. But as a society, we need to really rethink our use of single-use plastics. I never buy plastic drinks bottles anymore- I have a metal water bottle I take with me out and about. I also think about plastic when I’m shopping, and choose to buy fruit and veg that doesn’t come wrapped in plastic. I never use plastic carrier bags. I try to buy my kids wooden toys, and reuse old plastic ones from my own childhood. I recycle when I can. It’s hard to go completely plastic free, but every day I’m trying. If everyone does their bit then hopefully things will get better.

    • Photo: Alexander Allen

      Alexander Allen answered on 11 Mar 2019:

      I’ve seen my colleagues answers and they are (as always) great but I think I have a little extra to add to this question.

      Plastics are made from oils and are designed to be revolutionary cheap containers. They insulate electricity and heat but are versatile, durable and come in a variety of shapes. Plastic is somewhat important to modern society but we have been spoiled!

      Plastic straws, plastic bags, cellophane, clingfilm, and all sorts of packaging are woefully overused. Yes we can cut down our own personal use of these things and I encourage everyone to do it. Also, due to pressure from the public, a lot of companies have taken notice: restaurants now use paper straws. Supermarkets charge for bags and design them to be reused!

      The real problem comes from politics, however. Global governments are the ones who really need to crack down on the large companies that are causing more pollution than thousands of individuals. This happens in ways that you don’t see.

      We DO have a personal responsibility to regulate our plastic use and recycle more but we NEED our governments to change policies and to regulate the use of plastics. That way will we see results on the global scale and will really see changes. There needs to be a movement to continue to push the issue in politics… It is happening and more campaigning may help. The real answer is making people aware more and more of the problems… Then we’ll see drastic changes
