• Question: did you always enjoy science

    Asked by anon-198922 to Gautam, Srinath, Natasha, Nana, Luisa, Alex on 13 Mar 2019. This question was also asked by anon-198917.
    • Photo: Srinath Kasturirangan

      Srinath Kasturirangan answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      Yes! I always enjoyed science. Even though I HATED physics, I loved the physics lab where we could do cool experiments with electricity and magnetism and sound! While other kids would be playing or hanging out during lunch time or recess, I would go and hang out in the biology lab, helping set up experiments and learning about the the experiments!

    • Photo: Natasha Dowey

      Natasha Dowey answered on 14 Mar 2019:

      It was always a mix for me, some parts I really enjoyed (like learning about the periodic table in chemistry, and learning about space in physics!) but some parts I found quite hard and a bit dull to be honest. The sciences are so huge, and there is so much involved in each… I remember finding learning about all the different parts of plants in biology boring at the time, but this is probably something I’d enjoy a lot more now!
      I’ve loved my subject of Earth Science for a long time, since I was 17 learning about volcanoes in physical geography, but as I’ve got older my interests in other areas of science are constantly changing- I went through a phase of being really interested in marine biology (probably because of Blue Planet on TV) and at the moment I’m addicted to reading about climate change research. The best thing about being a scientist is that although we all have different specialities, the tools and the skills that you use to learn about science are pretty much the same across the board, so you can read a lot and understand a lot of different fields!

    • Photo: Alexander Allen

      Alexander Allen answered on 14 Mar 2019:

      For me it started when I was about 6 or 7 and I got really into space. This was basically just reading facts and drawing pictures of planets.

      I was really lucky because my primary school was attached to a secondary school that let us do cool things like just heating chemicals and see how they looked and how they changed.

      I have to say that I always enjoyed science as a whole personally and that’s probably because I was a very annoying child who asked “why?” all the time. It was probably better that I was given books a lot…

      A little final thought. Not everything in science was the same level of interest. I did find optics and ray diagrams tedious and that’s far from the only thing that was tedious. Overall though… Always loved it.

    • Photo: Nana Odom

      Nana Odom answered on 15 Mar 2019:

      I wouldn’t say i have same level of interest for all aspects and i tried to swap biology for geography or economics but my college didn’t allow that. I had to do it for the 3years and then write the A’level. I must admit i enjoy anatomy and physiology module when i was studying my biomedical engineering master degree.
