• Question: What is your opinion on deforestation

    Asked by anon-198915 to Srinath, Natasha, Nana, Luisa, Gautam, Alex on 13 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Alexander Allen

      Alexander Allen answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      Ok so I think almost everyone agrees that cutting down of huge numbers of trees is quite a bad thing. There are some obvious reasons that it is. It changes the ecosystem of thousands upon thousands of animals. The trees are homes for many animals and also provide shelter, for example preventing mudslides and creating dense areas of plant life.

      It’s also painfully true that trees create oxygen and reduce carbon dioxide and we are not helping our climate change situation by getting rid of acres and acres of forest land.

      For me, the most sinister part of deforestation is the reason for it. Quite often people think that it’s because we want space to build new roads, rails, or towns, cities and housing in these areas. Perhaps it’s because we need wood for materials? No…

      By far and away the main reason for deforestation is agriculture and the rearing of animals (particularly cows). I am not a vegetarian, I will admit that, but I am uncomfortably aware that by far the biggest industry that causes deforestation is the meat industry. This is very troubling and is one of the many arguments driving a lot of people to go vegetarian or vegan. After all we’re more aware of these situations than ever before!

    • Photo: Srinath Kasturirangan

      Srinath Kasturirangan answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      I am sure you have watched the movie Avatar and what happened to the Navi when the people from earth go there and start cutting down trees to mine for precious metals and getting into conflict with the natives. That is based on reality of what happens on earth in the Amazon basin. Logging in the amazon impacts the lives of so many ancient tribes that have lived in peace and isolation for 1000s of years. It brings them into conflict with the loggers. It spreads diseases and wipes out entire village of tribes. This is the reality.

    • Photo: Natasha Dowey

      Natasha Dowey answered on 14 Mar 2019: last edited 14 Mar 2019 10:57 am

      This is a difficult question. Asking “what is your opinion on deforestation” is almost like asking “what is your opinion on civilisation”- because, at the end of the day, the two things have been linked for thousands of years, particularly since the industrial revolution. Britain would have once been absolutely covered in forest. Except for the highest ground on mountains, it would be unrecognisable to the country we see today. The thing is, back then, civilisation didn’t perhaps understand how vital forests and trees are to life on this earth. Or maybe they did, but they saw creating towns and timber as more important. It makes me sad thinking about what we have lost, but would I want to go back to a primitive way of life, without the technology that has been developed as a result of this development of civilisation? I’m not sure. The problem now, with modern deforestation, is that we are painfully aware of the damage it causes to the environment, to native rare species of animals and plants, and to indigenous cultures, yet it still continues because of money, and because society wants certain things (e.g macdonalds burgers). I would be really happy if all deforestation in places like south east asian rainforest and the amazon stopped tomorrow, but sadly I don’t think it will for a long time yet.
